Category: Uncategorized

Rethinking Productivity: Less Hustle, More Harmony, More Energy

“The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.” ~Lao Tzu I can…

If You Haven’t Found Your Purpose: How to Feel Good Anyway

“The person who lives life fully, glowing with life’s energy, is the person who lives…

How to Start Saying No When You’re Afraid of Disapproval

“Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you…

How I Found the Good Within the Difficult

“Inner strengths are the supplies you’ve got in your pack as you make your way…

How to Wake Up from the Painful Trance of Unworthiness

“When we experience our lives through this lens of personal insufficiency, we are imprisoned in…

4 Tips for Failing Better in Your Spiritual Practice

“Ever tried, ever failed, no matter. Try again, fail again, fail better.” ~Samuel Beckett I…

4 Practical Techniques to Heal from Childhood Trauma

“It is important for people to know that no matter what lies in their past,…

How I Found Purpose When I Lost It at Work

“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something…

20 Self-Care Quotes to Keep You Mentally and Emotionally Strong

It’s a new week, and that can bring with it a sense of excitement and…

Tiny Buddha’s Self-Care Course: Buy One, Give One Sale!

As we get older, we tend to get clearer on what matters most to us…