Category: Uncategorized
Finding Home: The Magic of Feeling Seen and Heard
“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place to go where…
The Closure in Accepting That They May Never Change
“One of the hardest things I’ve had to understand is that closure comes from within.…
Getting Unstuck After an Unexpected Life Change
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” ~Lewis…
3 Popular Myths Around Having and Healing Anxiety
“Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.” ~Ruth E. Renkel…
Transforming Pain into Power: The Magic of Emotional Alchemy
If it weren’t for my darkest moments, I wouldn’t appreciate the life I have today.…
5 Big Lessons I Learned After Losing a Legacy Friend
“You can’t force anyone to value, respect, understand, or support you, but you can choose…
How One Small Good Habit Can Create Big Change in Your Life
“Small habits don’t add up, they compound. You don’t need to be twice as good…
How Our Emotional Triggers Can Actually Be Great Gifts
“Be grateful for triggers, they point to where you are not free.” ~Unknown Your triggers…
How Admitting Your Weaknesses Could Actually Make You Stronger
“The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” ~Nathaniel Branden Do…
The Art of Bereavement: A Simple Creative Practice for the Grieving
“When you lose someone you love, you don’t learn to live without them…you learn to…