Category: Uncategorized
How to Free Yourself from Pain from the Past
“There are two levels to your pain: the pain that you create now, and the…
If You Aren’t Happy with Yourself and Your Life Right Now…
“For the person that needs to see this today: Your heart will heal, your tears…
How to Slow Down and Take Care of Yourself
“You are worth the quiet moment. You are worth the deeper breath. You are worth…
Emotionally Overwhelmed? 5 Simple Practices That Can Help
“Whatever you’re feeling, it will eventually pass. You won’t feel sad forever. At some point,…
How to Let Go of Your Dream When It’s Time to Move On
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to…
Why I Love My Anger and How It Can Be a Force for Good
“Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.” ~Eckhart Tolle “I don’t know why…
Why I Cried a Lot This Week and Last Day for the Bundle Sale
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had an exhausting week. I had a busier,…
5 Practical Tools to Balance Your Chakras (Energy Centers)
In my personal development journey, one framework has captivated my attention and focus for more…
How to Transform Your Relationship by Feeling Your Feelings
It was late at night, and my husband and I were having an argument about…
Sometimes People Don’t Say Sorry—Why It Pays to Forgive Nonetheless
“Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.” ~Roberto Assagioli…